Rally’s and Events


Kelowna Protest Success!

One could not have asked for a better day. The rain stopped and the sun even came out shortly before 2:00 at the start of the rally today. About 200 freedom loving people from all over B.C. joined us in not only opposing the Petition by the City of Kelowna but demanding that they abandon it too. There was solidarity in numbers. Claudia Van Emmerik Global News did a pretty good report on their website today for which I am grateful:


Thank you again so much to Bruce and Leo for their incredible efforts to preserve the history of these Lawful Protests.

A whole batch of new signs were made for this protest and ongoing until the City backs down:

City Council was having a special public meeting in council chambers with respect to a local golf course, whose supporters occupied almost all of the gallery. I attempted to enter with one of our new signs expressing our demands to withdraw and abandon their Petition to ban our rallies, but security and RCMP (whom someone in the City called) refused, claiming that the City has a long-standing policy of not allowing any signs in their meetings. It appears that the City officials simply think that the RCMP is their own private police force to call upon when ever their baseless fears get to them.

So, in I went in person – and sure enough, within seconds, all sitting council members just glared at me. You know if you take actions to violate people’s rights and freedoms, we are no longer going to sit back and do nothing. They were fixated upon me during my short time in council chambers, and I hope that they have had discussions now to end this unconstitutional Petition that they have filed.

We made ourselves known to every Councilor as they entered into the building, showing them our signs. Some of us talked to these councilors, but without fail, they refused to say much. Councilor Mohini Singh was clearly worried about our presence during her very brief discussion with one of our supporters on her way into City Hall.

Legal documents will begin to be filed next week, and there is much yet to do. We will post them on the CLEAR site as they are filed.

When they are filed, I will be sending a copy to each councilor as well, so they don’t just take the word of their lawyer, and see that we have an extremely strong case.

I will discuss this more at our Canada Day rally on July 1.

Our newsletter on this will be out early next week as almost every minute right now is focused on getting this material done for next week.

Thank you to everyone who came here from out of town…your sacrifices were important and very much appreciated. Remember – if we were having no positive effects – legal action would not have been taken, especially with the Province pressuring the City to so do. What happens is going to affect all of us…and so we move ahead now knowing that City Council has our position – as do all the golfers!!!!


In freedom


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