March 29, 2021
President Joe Biden and shareholders
Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500-0003

Within the universal maxim of law ‘notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent’.
All addressed parties Jointly and Severally as well as their Successors, Nominees and assigns.
Notice of abolishment of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION all three branches of government, all franchises and
entities affiliated with the CORPORATION regarding the federal government.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which
have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station
to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires
that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure
these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or
to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers
in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train
of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their
future security.
Such has been the patient sufferance of THE PEOPLE; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter
their former Systems of Government. The history of the present foreign and destructive form of government is a
history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny
over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
We THE PEOPLE based on The Declaration of Independence and natural law are fully invoking OUR God given
unalienable rights to perform OUR duty and abolish this destructive government.
This destructive government has irresponsibly managed THE PEOPLE’S resources for decades. American debt
exceeds twenty eight trillion dollars or $224,000 per taxpayer.
The current executive branch has stolen an election and opened borders during a pandemic all while congress
continues to send THE PEOPLE’S tax dollars to other countries.
This government and it’s franchises have systematically destroyed businesses and the lives of millions of
The executive, legislative, and judicial branches have undeniably become a destructive government.
We THE PEOPLE are aware of the unending destruction and the fact that the foreign owned corporation known as
the UNITED STATES does not actually represent THE PEOPLE.
We THE PEOPLE are fully aware that The United States of America has not been the free and sovereign republic
that this form of governance has perpetuated. The government and its operatives purport that they represent THE
PEOPLE while in fact they represent international bankers, the crown, corporations and multiple foreign and
domestic enemies.
We THE PEOPLE by way of this notice, officially declare OUR COMPLETE AND TOTAL INDEPENDENCE and therefore
FREEDOM from the defunct and destructive UNITED STATES CORPORATION and all entities that have oppressed THE
We THE PEOPLE, hold these truths to be self-evident, that all THE PEOPLE are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among THE PEOPLE, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed.
We THE PEOPLE, as the “Consent of the Governed”, officially assert OUR Supreme Powers, therefore full
authority over all Federal, State and Local governments within the new Republic.
We THE PEOPLE having been sanctioned by GOD by virtue of OUR unalienable rights, trust our cause is just, and
having prayed for the fortitude to brave spiritual wickedness in high places make this announcement to the
VATICAN, and their OPERATIVES in the media, government and society.
We THE PEOPLE declare it is the WILL, RIGHT and the DUTY of THE PEOPLE to abolish the current destructive
government and institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect OUR Safety and Happiness, while providing new Guards for
OUR future security.
We THE PEOPLE, founded THE PEOPLE’S Bureau of Investigation (PBI) as the new guards for our future security,
thus giving the POWER back to THE PEOPLE.
We THE PEOPLE, utilizing The PBI, conducted an in depth investigation that has deemed that the US CORPORATION is
a destructive government. The PBI investigation has indisputable proof and concluded that the UNITED STATES
CORPORATION and it’s entities are both foreign and domestic enemies of THE PEOPLE.
We THE PEOPLE, are at the precipice of destruction from the long train of abuses and usurpations by a rogue and
tyrannical government that covertly waged mixed war on THE PEOPLE for decades.
We THE PEOPLE are revoking any and all agreements or contracts, implied or presumed, that the UNITED STATES
CORPORATION and/or any of its franchises, organizations or affiliates claim to have jurisdiction over THE PEOPLE
with in any capacity in perpetuity.
We THE PEOPLE mandate the removal of all currently elected and appointed public servants, regardless of
position, within the executive, legislative and judicial branches. This removal is without pay or benefits until a
full military investigation is complete and the individual is cleared to continue within the Republic.
We THE PEOPLE, unknowingly have been at war with foreign and domestic enemies that are cited within the 2020
Declaration of Independence. THE PEOPLE declare OUR Independence from these enemies. All enemies cited within
the 2020 Declaration of Independence must immediately stand down, dissolve any and all interest and vacate our
Country immediately to prevent any further destruction to THE PEOPLE.
We THE PEOPLE require that any and all assets are seized from all entities found guilty of felony crimes, treason,
breach of trust or crimes against humanity and those assets be repatriated to THE PEOPLE. This mandate applies to
all foreign and domestic corporations, individuals, partnerships and non-profits found guilty.

We THE PEOPLE, recognizing we are in a mixed and spiritual war officially call to duty the full force of the American
military, its allies, the national guard and the law enforcement community who swore an oath to protect the Rights of
THE PEOPLE, to perform their duties by removing all enemies nationally and internationally, including but not limited to
the seizure of all associated assets and the foreign owned land of Washington D.C. All assets and land seizures will be
repatriated to THE PEOPLE as reparations for the governments destructive behavior and criminal actions.
We THE PEOPLE, in order to protect the security of the state officially call to duty “the well armed unorganized militia”
aka (THE PATRIOT FORCE) to continue to unite as an unstoppable force, protect our communities and to “HOLD THE LINE”
behind OUR OATH TAKERS in the military and law enforcement community in order to fully abolish the destructive
government, defeat our common enemies, fortify the WILL of THE PEOPLE, force the resolve, and PEACEFULLY RESTORE
the Republic.
We THE PEOPLE instituting a new form of government, fully support The National Economic Security Act (NESARA) that
was passed and signed into law in 2000 be fully implemented.
We THE PEOPLE mandate that all military, federal, state and local law enforcement immediately live up to the oaths of
office and adopt ONLY natural law and constitutional law from this point forward or risk being deemed the enemy of THE
We THE PEOPLE, mandate a full audit be conducted by military personnel on the foreign corporation known as the
Federal Reserve Bank.
We THE PEOPLE, mandate that all public and privately held agencies and corporations operating within the United States
regardless if foreign or domestic, must fully adhere to the Nation’s Founding Documents, natural law and to protect the
Rights and integrity of THE PEOPLE first and foremost or they will be prohibited from conducting business within the
restored Republic.
We THE PEOPLE, mandate immediate declassification and complete access to all previously classified patents regarding
medical, science, agriculture, space and/or alien technologies that have been kept from THE PEOPLE.
We THE PEOPLE, require that all federal, state and local facilities that were conducting business under the UNITED
STATES CORPORATION’s gold fringed flags remove them immediately and restore the Republic’s title 4 flags in all
We THE PEOPLE, mandate all harmful products and chemicals such as fluoride, glyphosate, chemtrails, vaccines, and
others be identified, fully disclosed and completely removed from all facets of human existence as to protect the health
of the human race and the planet.
We THE PEOPLE, are the future security of the Republic. We mandate that no elected officials or appointees will have
any authority in which to direct our law enforcement community. Rank and file police officers and law enforcement
officials will be rebranded as peace officers. The overall direction of peace officers will be determined BY THE PEOPLE,
FOR THE PEOPLE and in the best interest of national security, in order to reduce public fears and keep the peace among
We THE PEOPLE, declare that OUR Rights will never again be deprived or infringed upon for any reason such as a VIRUS,
pandemic, or any other health or non related issue. THE PEOPLE will only accept recommendations regarding pandemics,
health concerns or other issues that may arise that negatively affect unalienable rights.
We THE PEOPLE declare that any entity attempting to infringe on THE PEOPLE’S Rights will be removed from public
service by the PBI immediately with assistance from peace officers. Those that attempt to deprive THE PEOPLE of THEIR
Rights will be deemed an enemy of state and will be banned from public service.
We THE PEOPLE, mandate that the enemies within the media and social media, that are lying, deceiving, brainwashing and
spreading false narratives be investigated by OUR military and held accountable.
We THE PEOPLE, mandate that any and all debts, taxes, fines or fees alleged to be owed by THE PEOPLE to the UNITED
STATES CORPORATION or it’s franchises are deemed null and void and will be immediately forgiven.
We THE PEOPLE, declare that income tax and other forms of taxation under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and it’s
franchises are determined to be illegal, illegitimate and a gross violation of our Constitutional Rights.
We THE PEOPLE mandate full reparations for the historic criminal extraction of the people’s wealth through excessive
taxation, the Internal Revenue Service, illegal income tax and unrepresented legislation.
We THE PEOPLE, declare that the 2020 Declaration of Independence is adopted by “the consensus of the governed” and is
deemed a continuation of our founding documents.
We THE PEOPLE, declare a national emergency to quell any fears of civil unrest or war.
We THE PEOPLE recognize and fully support the freedom to practice all peaceful religions that do not wish to harm any
other human beings or worship of dark forces.
We THE PEOPLE mandate that once the Republic government is restored that timely reparations and humanitarian
projects take place immediately in order to avoid further societal collapse, civil unrest and to mitigate the damages
caused by the previous destructive government.
We THE PEOPLE mandate that a FREE national mental health program be established to provide assistance to THE PEOPLE
regarding the mental health crisis caused by the destructive government, the media and the Great Awakening
We THE PEOPLE, mandate the use of the emergency broadcast system by the military and President Trump to inform the
people of the world THE WHOLE TRUTH regarding EVERYTHING that has been withheld, hidden or classified.
We THE PEOPLE demand the world be informed regarding the abolishment of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION by THE
PEOPLE and the restoration of The Republic under The 2020 Declaration of Independence.
We THE PEOPLE mandate that the masses must be informed of the upcoming utilization of the Quantum Financial System
and the institution of NESARA/GESARA.
We THE PEOPLE, sincerely apologize to all human beings of the planet for the destructive actions of the UNITED STATES
CORPORATION, its agents and operatives.
We THE PEOPLE demand unconditional world peace and unity for all human beings. Therefore knowing we are all equal in
our Creator’s Eyes, we unconditionally make it known to all THE PEOPLE and governments of the world that we are
formally extending the rights and privileges from America’s founding documents to allow for life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness for all of God’s children of the planet.
We THE PEOPLE are fully united in the pursuit of FREEDOM and are 330,000,000 strong domestically and 7,800,000,000
strong globally. Where WE go one WE go all!
God Bless all of Humanity and everything in the Cosmos.
We The People
By The People
For The People
”IT’S Our Right and Duty”