“Lee” the Trucker speaks out about what the Turvert can expect on Saturday

Good afternoon beloved pureblood sentients. I’ve been on Twitter most of the day and believe me…HELLZAPOPPIN! Events are happening so thick and fast that it’s impossible to keep up. I along with my two bureau chiefs, RAH [BC] and FreakedOut [US] have also been sharing information by e-mail. Great source Dennis sent me the video above where Trucker Lee from BC warns the Turvert to put on an adult diaper on Saturday when the Trucks start rolling in. The estimate now is over 100,000 trucks and a million demonstrators. No doubt the PerpZ will respond by weaponiZing the weather with a bliZZard or perhaps an unusual “Pea Soup” fog like we had here in BC when the Truckers were sent off by thousands of BC supporters standing on the highway overpasses. Below are several links that I’ve been saving throughout the day as a further update on these tremendous and historical events. Please browse through them and I will have final comments at the end of this Post.

Lee Recommends the Turvert wear an adult diaper while in isolation on Saturday

The lyin taxpayer funded national broadcaster doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind ever since the Truckers started rolling across Canada and picking up steam.


“Even a stopped clock is right twice a day” – old saying H/T FreakedOut

Thanks for this FreakedOut.  As they say: “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”

BREAKING NEWS FROM THIS MORNING; The Turvert has gone into seclusion:


Justin Trudeau Has Been Exposed To COVID-19 & Says He’s Going To Isolate At Home For 5 Days (msn.com)

Greencrow continues: lol.  Trying desperately to use the memes and cult rituals of the HOAX in order to save his A$$.  In actual fact.  If he DARED TO APPEAR out on the streets of Ottawa this weekend he would be ripped into tiny pieces by the crowd.

What a psychopathic coward!!!!  Keep in touch as we stand precariously on the Precipice of History!

Below is a good blogsite to check out developments and op-ed.



Greencrow continues: As Lee says above, and as the BIG PHARMA Perp says below, the stakes are extremely high in this stand-off. The PerpZ are planning to force the Kill Shot vaxxxZines on the unsuspecting sheeple at least once per year in order to participate in society. This is the END GAME, folks.

Legendary Canadian journalist icon Rex Murphy has come down on the right side of history…which was a shock to me…because he’s very chummy with the MZM old guard. Read this excellent op-ed he wrote from the National Post:

Greencrow continues: Here’s a phone number to add to your contact list…..The RCMP has an open investigation into Trudeau’s for hate crimes and speech charges. Call 613-993-6884 to contact the RCMP to add your voice to the investigation.


RCMP Referral Complaint Check Sheet | Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Trudeau compounded his hate crimes when he gave his presser yesterday and denigrated the Trucker convoy. Plus “his” personal tax-funded propaganda machine today reported more hate speech in a CBC report copied by MSM today:


LOL…those insults by the Turvert to the Truckers as they advanced on Ottawa probably added about 50,000 trucks to the convoy.

Now, as I said earlier, the CBC is belatedly beginning to grudgingly admit the Truckers have some legitimate grievances. Criminally corrupt taxpayer-funded CBC starts to hedge bets…admits there’s “some” support for the truckers. LOL


Greencrow concludes: I knew Canadians were tough sons of bitches but even I am amazed at the grit of the Truckers…as exemplified by Lee in the ‘must watch’ video at the top of this post. My readers already know I am also one tough mother fucker. I came back and posted only one day after finding out that my husband of 43 years stupidly took the jab so he could hang out with his buddies. Believe me. I know exactly how Lee feels about his trashed marriage–caused by the government–who enticed his wife and two sons to get fully vaxxxZed. But Lee and I just wiped our tears away…stood up and came out punching. And we won’t give up. Victory is so close it’s scary. I was thinking today that I’m so used to defeat that I am actually afraid and intimidated by the possibility of victory. But that was a fleeting fear. Onwards and forward march fellow warriors! And stay tuned.

H/T Snippets