Air Traffic Controllers at Jacksonville, Florida airport WALKED-OUT of their jobs last night over the COVID vaccine mandate.  Six-hundred-fifty airline flights had to be canceled because of the walk-out.

In addition to Jacksonville, Florida, there are also reports that Air Traffic Controllers also walked out  from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, causing all sorts of flight disruptions in the U.S. mid-west.

There has been ZERO mass-media coverage of this massive disruption in U.S. air travel because the mass-media is actively working to CONCEAL the opposition to the deadly COVID vax.

People on social media are laying it out plainly:





Hal Turner Commentary Opinion

Many pilots are hearing this news Saturday, just as we have, through small leaks.

The powers-that-be tried to kept this walkout tight lipped because they are afraid it will become a thing.

The simple reality is the COVID vaccines are new, experimental, unproven and are causing VERY MANY DEATHS and INJURIES.   Worst of all, everyone foolish enough to take this “jab” finds out they CAN STILL CATCH COVID, and they CAN STILL GIVE IT TO OTHERS.  In many places, the vaccinated are still required to wear masks!   So Americans see the absurdity of the vax and figure “Why bother?”  They’re right. The vax seems to be a fraud.

Given those realities, a lot of Americans see the vaccines as useless.